Tuition for the 2025-2026 Leadership Premier Program is $6,750; requests for tuition assistance are due with the application by the submission deadline of May 17, 2025. Visit the LHC website for updates about Information Session dates and additional details. Please direct any questions to Tim Payne, LHC President & CEO.

Leadership Premier Tuition Assistance Application: LP 2026

Financial Aid information

  • A limited amount of partial tuition assistance is available to participants of the Leadership Howard County program, with preference to those who are self-paying, employees of non-profit organizations, small businesses and faith communities. The amount awarded is based on particular circumstances of the participant, as well as the number of requests received each year and, traditionally, awards have not exceeded one-third to one-half of the cost of tuition. Requesting tuition assistance does not influence the selection process and is totally confidential. A financial disclosure may be requested and each request will be reviewed independently of the selection process. If tuition assistance is being requested, please complete this form and submit, along with the application, no later than May 17, 2025 (requests received after this date will not be accepted).
  • Please note that class members will not be permitted to begin the program unless payment has been made in full or arrangements have been made for a payment plan.

  • Please note that if you will be paying full/partial tuition, or installments via a credit card, an additional fee representing 3% of the total charge will be imposed to cover credit card processing costs. In addition, there will be a $25 returned-check fee charged in the event of insufficient funds.