Leadership U 2025 Application

The Leadership U Application for 2025 is open to current high school sophomore students in Howard County, MD. Applications are due by April 7, 2025 Please keep an eye on your email for communication from Leadership U, including your next steps. Questions? Contact Alli Eastham, Program Coordinator, at aeastham@leadershiphc.org.

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Application Information

  • Please check box if "yes".
  • Educational Information

  • References

  • Two references are required and are to be submitted electronically through the Leadership Howard County website. It is your responsibility to reach out to your references, instruct them to visit the LHC website and submit the form online. Reference forms are due April 7, 2025. Please use one school related (e.g. teacher, coach, administrator, counselor, etc.) and the other community/personal (e.g. employer, volunteer activity, faith-based, youth group, neighbor, or other non-school related). RELATIVES ARE NOT CONSIDERED AN APPROPRIATE REFERENCE.

  • Essay Questions

  • Please describe the most important activity (or activities) in which you have participated during the last four years. Why do you consider this/these activity(ies) important? If you have not had the opportunity to participate in activities, please tell us why not? (i.e. time, transportation, financial reasons, etc.)
  • Describe any part-time job experience (paid or volunteer) and/or your family responsibilities. Briefly describe what is involved and what you have gained from this experience.
  • Describe your responsibilities (other than class work). How will you incorporate your other activities and responsibilities with your Leadership U commitment? Consider your time commitments.
  • What are three strengths/talents/skills that you have and give examples of how you demonstrate them.
  • Who is someone you admire (past or present), and why?
  • Is this something you want to do or is someone encouraging you to participate?
  • If you would like to share your story, upload a video clip (60 seconds maximum). Feel free to be creative, but make sure the video is high quality. (Use the File upload below link ONLY)
    Max. file size: 200 MB.
  • Application Deadline

    Applications are due on April 7, 2025. Please make sure to follow up with your selected references and confirm that they have completed and electronically submitted the Reference Form.

    Tuition Assistance Available

    If you are applying for tuition assistance – you must submit a tuition assistance form with your application, which is available on the LHC website [programs tab/Leadership U]. Applying for tuition assistance does not influence the selection process. Selection is based on the strength of your application and interview. If you have any questions, please contact Alli Eastham at aeastham@leadershiphc.org.

    Please Read Carefully Before Submitting Your Application

    I certify that all information has been provided personally, by myself, and is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I am currently a high school student in the 10th grade and live or attend school in Howard County, Maryland. I understand that Leadership U is a four-month hands-on learning experience. This includes a one-week MANDATORY summer program (Sunday, July 27 - Friday, August 1, 2025), followed by regularly scheduled meetings (usually bi-weekly on Sunday afternoons) early August through early- December 2025. If selected, I agree to attend all the meetings, take an active role in my team project and pay the tuition cost (tuition assistance available.)

  • By typing your full name you are formally submitting your application to Leadership U and are agreeing to the terms indicated herein.
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY